Frances Coles
Moted: 17 setul 1859
Deadam: 13 febul 1891
Cal(s): jinepuedan[*]
Tatät(s): Regän Pebalöl Greta⸗Britäna ä Lireyäna[*]

Jiel Frances Coles, id sevädik as: Carroty Nell (pemotöl tü 1859 setul 17 in London – edeadöl tü 1891 febul 13 id in London), äbinof nepuedan Linglänik, drefäb lätik sasenas di ,Whitechappel’, luveratiko päsasenöl fa hiel ,Jack the Ripper’.


  • Fido, Martin (1993). The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper. Barner & Noble. p. 239 (ISBN 1566195373)
  • Evans, Stewart P.; Skinner, Keith (2000). The Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Constable and Robinson. p. 758 (ISBN 1-84119-225-2)