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The Ashjian family, all killed in 1915 in the Armenian Genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & their daughters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam in a photo from 1908 or 1910
Le familia Ashjian, omnes occidite in 1915 in le Genocidio Armenie: Takvor Ashjian, su sposa Yeghisapet, e lor 3 filias Eugenie, Hamaspur, & Mariam in un photo de 1908 o 1910
The Ashjian faimily, aw killt in 1915 in the Armenie Genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & their dochters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam in a photae frae 1908 or 1910
Los Ashjian, todos asesinados en 1915 en el genocidio armenio: Takvor Ashjian, su esposa Yeghisapet, y las tres hijas Eugenie, Hamaspur, & Mariam (foto c. 1909)
Os Ashjians, todos assassinados em 1915 no genocídio armênio: Takvor Ashjian, sua esposa Yeghisapet e três filhas Eugenie, Hamaspur e Mariam (foto c. 1909)
{{Information |Description=A family killed in the Armenian genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & daughters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam. A note on the back by Takvor's niece Makrouhie (the mother of en:Marjorie Housepian Dobkin & en:Edgar Housepian) identifies them and says the photo was taken in 1908 or 1910; note is also on wiki commons as "File:Ashjian family, killed in Armenian genocide 1915 (back of photo).jpg" |Source=own work, copy of family photo I have |Date=July 22 2019 |...
Ragiv at keninükon nünis pluik, luveratiko se käm u numatüköm me kel päjafon. If ragiv at ya pevotükon e no plu leigon ko rigädastad okik, mögos, das pats anik is palisedöls no plu bepenons ragivi in stad anuik.